Friday, August 20, 2010

Where could they have gone?

Ok, so about a month ago I told my husband I wanted a divorce (to find out why, just look in my divorce question) and of course, in his usual manner, he stormed out on us. My 5 year old son,James, is pining for him. I want to tell my husband that the kids still want him around. I believe, as long as he don't hurt us, he has the right to see them. Also, I was expecting to get divorced when our newborn child is a little older and I have recovered.I mean, can you imagine how hard it is to cope with a divorce AND look after 4 kids at the same time? Where do you suggest I look for him? Parks? Bars? I need your ideas!Where could they have gone?
He must be a heartless bastard to walk away from his kids as well, just because he left you!..Where could they have gone?
good luck he will turn up
if he stormed off he is obviously upset you want a divorce, but you dont want a divorce for no reason - its something you have to talk about within time.

Has he got any relatives you could try? any friends?

Give him time he will come back, but you will just explain to your kids that daddys gone on a little holiday and he will come back

He could be anywhere! so its best to probably just leave it!
Don't go looking for him. If he loves the kids, he will come back for them. You can work out informal visitation rights then, preferably in a location where the kids aren't. Just be patient.
i would start with family,friends you know your husband better then us, where does he hang out?

kind regards and good luck x kitti x
If you haven't filed for divorce just yet and want him to visit his children, why not contact his employer? I'm sure the HR department will get in contact with him.
I can't imagine but you can cos that's what you wanted and that's what you've got. I suggest you leave him alone until he recovers.
start by contacting his friends and family...he's bound to be somewhere, but i don't think he'll be on a park bench anywhere, he may be drowning his sorrows in a bar but the park no....
This is what you wanted, why are you whining now? Get used to being the parent to those kids. He is not reliable and won't be unless he can straighten himself up. Why would you want him to stick around anyway... sounds like he doesn't need to be around kids.

You'll make it... I know I did.
dont go looking for told him you wanted a divorce, remember?
You want a divorce, but, on your time schedule? Girl don't you see how this makes you sound like a user? I mean he's a piece of meat and that's all to you. Sure I believe he has done some things that just irritate the hell out of you. Like not doing every little thing you ask. Naw, I'm sorry, after what you've said the compassion got ripped right out of my soul. I'm on his side. I hope he gets a damn good lawyer takes the kids and makes you pay child support while you flip burgers. I hope that he finds someone the wants him for himself and not some robot she can switch on and off. You're doomed for failure!
he's hiding out here in my house. (Look shes gonna find you sometime)
I would suggest that you seek the support of the government like the Food stamp program, they can help you finacially and they will find me they will find him...

As for your children, take the church and find a support group to help them, love them and support you with your children..but let him go.

You said yourself you did not want him around.. and if he can just walk out on you.. and even more his children... you don't need him around.. he will just continue to come in and out of their lives when it is convienent for him and it will break their heart EVERY time ..even when they are older....

I tried to force a relationship with my son and his Dad and it always hurt him..looking back I wish I had just let him go away and helped my son recover once.

God Bless you!

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