Friday, August 20, 2010

Parents getting divorce..What should I do?

Im only 14.It happened like a month ago.(Them telling me they're filing for divorce) For a while I was really upset. I cried a lot more,for about 2 days and then felt completely numb to it. (I've had dysthymic disorder for 2 years) I was fine with it,unless they've wanted to talk about it.Now its just so much worse.My mom already has a new boyfriend. I hate him.I get a bad vibe from him, Not to mention its only been a frigging' month. Then I find her looking up ';How soon can you tell if your pregnant'; on google. Both of my parent's are fighting for custody. They don't even have a moment of civility before they start yelling at each other over the phone. Im going to go live with my dad so I can finish school with my friends, but I dont want to live with either of them really. There are times when I plan on running away, or drinking so I dont have to remember for a while.I feel so hopeless. Parents or kids of divorce, how did you cope/ feel better about this? Is there a website or someone I can talk to to get help? Please?Parents getting divorce..What should I do?
Can't help with a website. Professional counselors (not psychiatry) ought to be offered to you by both your parents, selfish beasts that they are. Your mom has a mid life crisis, and for her she is just fine to roll on with it.

I think I would not normally reply to this sort of question. However you seem sincere, and that may be a redeeming quality. It is really easy to be focused upon particular things; but there is a principle to keep in the consciousness, which is that by focusing on anything, the rest of the view becomes blurry. Can you just do the stuff you need to do? Make a list of required efforts on your part, and log the accomplishments. It can become a routine, which will keep you in times of flux. I did that. Still keep a log of time spent. It pays.

When I was an eighth grader, the stepfather deliberately set the garage on fire. Yes, they divorced. Things were never good as before, but we moved on as best we could. This crippled inside feeling needs to be secondary to confidence and self esteem.

Repeat after each punctuation point; I am a good person.Parents getting divorce..What should I do?
You gotta be strong, and think of yourself. Drinking, or doing anything stupid will only harm you. Take comfort in being able to stay where your friends are. Try to talk to your parents about how you feel, so they realize how much this whole thing is effecting you, and that you are still their responsibility. Unfortunately we cannot choose our parents, just because they are older, and our parents, doesn't mean they are always 'there'. Learn from their mistakes, it will help you to be a god parent. Focus on your plans for the future, your school, you got your whole life ahead of you. If you start drinking, it will ruin our life, if you are a good student, smart kid, the world stays wide open for you, you can travel, be anything you want to be.
Oh grow up already my parents divorced too dont see me sitting here cryin about it

People are such babies

Wait til you date when your older and someone does something messed up to you and see if you wanna stay
Sorry to hear this. Just remember both of your parents love you and you are not at fault. Just keep close to both of them and maybe in the future they can even be friends. Please do not harm yourself its not worth it. You will see it will get better. Pray to Jesus and he will find an answer.

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