Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Divorce help?

hey, my best friend is having a really really hard time coping with her parents divorce. Her parents' divorce isn't finalized and her mom is already engaged. (she doesn't want them to get married-she doesn't like the fiance). Her brother sorta 'hates' her, and she 'hates' him. Her dad is almost never home. She feels as if her mom doesn't care about her at all. All in all, her life kinda sucks to her. The problem is that I can't help her because I can't relate to her situation. My question: Do you guys know any good sites for teens that give good advice on how to cope with stuff like this?

The help hotlines wouldn't help that much unless they're Swiss or French numbers (we live in Switzerland).

Thanks so much for any help, my friend really needs it. xxDivorce help?
All you can do is be there for her. Let her tell you the same things over and over. You don't have to offer advice - just be a LISTENER for her. You must never betray her confidence. She needs a true friend and you seem to be one..Divorce help?
.No divorce is good for children.They seem to good stuck in a corner and forgo ten.feelings of

children aren't important.It seems the feelings of

the parents are important.not the child's.

After counslingh single parents with children,

I know how she feals.

She cain't stop her mom from getting married.It's

how her mother and new lov er treats her befor marriage.The girl should ask him lots of questions.

She should never call him dad,but by his first name.She has DAD good or bad,he's still her

real DAD.

Divorce is always messy,.and she has the rite

to know the truth.knowing they will lie probly.

I don't know any websites to offer, and I don't know how much help this would be for you but here's what I think.

how old is she? If she is school age, she needs to speak with the school counselor or clergy person of her choice, or some other trusted adult. Sometimes it take adult intervention to make a grown up listen to reason.

If she is an adult, she needs to get some professional help of some sort.

I have a feeling there is more to this than you felt comfortable sharing and I understand, but talk to a counselor, or churchmember, or another adult that she trusts to enlist their help.

I'd also look for support groups for children of divorce. They are all over here in the states, hopefully there's one near you!

Good luck on this one. It's a toughie!
My mom remarried five times, my Father did it four. Your parents love you so much they'd love to hold you and explain/ listen to your heart. Their minds are wrapped around the way their marriage is killing them so they'll neglect you til that pain is dulled then they'll come find you and try to bring healing....Love your weak Mom and Dad. Someone who loves you a ton ( that you can trust) A friend or a grandmother is just waiting for you to go to them....God LOVES , and he listens.....and he sends help in times of trouble.....
tell your friend to talk to her mom and just be honest. Its the best thing and it works. And as her friend, just be there for her and lend a listening ear.
My advice would be for her to have a ';heart-to-heart'; with her mom and let her know exactly how she feels about the situation at hand. It may not change the situation with the engagement, but maybe she'll gain some understanding into why her mom's already engaged and that her mom really does care about her. It may not hurt to have the same conversation with her dad or even both parents at the same time.

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