Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I cope with my parents divorce?

My mom left me and my dad a couple months ago because I confronted her about something. It wasn't even that big a deal. All I asked her to do was to stop sharing my personal life with strangers (about my cancer and such) and she went insane (saying I take things too personally, and NOW I agree), packed up, and said some horrible things to us. In reaction to her negativity, I gave her a snap-out-of-it-slap, and my dad was completely on my side about the situation and even said ';good riddance';, then she stormed out the house. Later into the week, she demanded an apology from the both of us and announced she wouldn't return until we apologized. At first, we felt no reason to apologize, but after a month, we did, but the fact she didn't return tells us we were too late. We literally didn't hear a single word from her since that day, and just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, we find out she had filed for divorce.How do I cope with my parents divorce?
it is not your fault she was looking for a way out but didn't know how to do it .... IT is for the best go on with you life if she comes around great if not you always have your Dad...How do I cope with my parents divorce?
Hon, it's sad to see you are taking the blame for your mother's problems. A person who is happy with their life, wouldn't have stormed out and never come back. So, there is more here than meets the eye, and you and your father have it all twisted around.

First of all i'm very sorry for your illness, and i do hope you're ok? It has to have been tough for you.

Everyone in the world has problems to get through, and hard times in their lives. Most of us stick around to work on things, because we are content with our lives and in our home.

Your mother obviously had issues in her MARRIAGE and was not happy. Otherwise she'd not have left.

It's time you and your father stop blaming yourselves. Life happens... and sometimes it is painful.

I have listed a couple websites especially for teens about coping with divorce. maybe they will help.

sending hugs
First of all if you are sick your MOm is out of line. Second, I am sorry for your trouble.
Do not blame yourself.... She didn't just leave that day the thing is she has been gone for a long time for her to just up and leave....

She is a grown woman and she knows what she is doing but if your father was smart he would get her on abandonment and he would get everything because she is the one that left....

When my mom left my dad it was hard but she filed and dad went and talk to a lawyer and got her on abandonment and she lost everything and he got it all.....Because the judge told her if she had wanted her half she shouldn't of walked out....
If your mother will agree, I think you all need to go to family therapy. Unfortunately you cannot change someone else's mind. Good Luck.
Be happy now that your dad can find someone in his life that will make him happy.

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