Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I find my phsyciatric records?

My parents sent me to a phsyciatrist when I was 7 and 8, apparently I had a hard time coping with their divorce. I barely remember anything about these sessions. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to find my records? I know what years they took place, the town, and the phsyciatrist's name. I tried googling her, the year , and the town in various combinations but came up with zilch. I also had a session with the top child phsyciatrist at the time, but I'm anaware who he was. It was 1993, 1994 when I saw him. Any input welcome.How do I find my phsyciatric records?
The psychiatrist you saw, especially if he was an NHS one, would have sent copies of everything that happened when she saw you and her conclusions to your GP, so the details should be amongst your general medical history. You are allowed to access copies of your medical notes, you just need to request this with reception staff at your surgery. Hope you find what you're looking for.

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