Friday, August 20, 2010

Need help on how to cope with a soon to be divorce?

ok so it goes like this.

im 19 years old i just had a kid 4 months ago my husband and i got married extremely young but that was never an issue we had been together for more than 5 years before i got married. i came from a troublesome past and he was like my knight in shinning amour. he had issues of his own coming from a broken home but as time pasted we seemed to be each others saviors we helped each other become the people we are today and we up until about a year ago never had any REAL problems i mean we had our little lovers spats but nothing too big we always had a rule never go to bed mad at each other. its been almost 6 years that we've been together and for the past few years along with all the hard work he does during the day he developed a passion for music and his talents shined with this new found passion. he's great at what he does with his music and in our town he's getting a lot of good feedback but along with this new found success we started having issues. he'd start spend all night at his studio and showing more love and passion towards his music then me. i started becoming very insecure and started arguing a lot with him and its gotten to the point where we have pushed each other completely away. i know in the start of this he had'nt cheated but now im not to sure i mean he's never shown or gottten caught with anything and trust me i would know over time ive become the regular private eye but despite it all we both still love each other deeply we have just pushed and not cared for so long that i think there is just no hope for us. ive recently moved from our home with our daughter and since then things have elevated with us he barely comes too see his daughter or me he never answers the phone and we spend a majority of the times simply texting and its grown so childish already we dont go out and when he has preformances and will not invite me and i dont know why ive always loved going. now im in the situation where i am at home i have no job no car and am being supported by my grandmother and the child support he pays and i absolutly hate it its not me to sit back and let this be done to me i have no one to care for my daughter and i have what feels like no means to get out of this rut im in my family is barely there and all they care about is money and i have no friends of my own they were all from our relationship together and were never really friends of mine i just dont know what to do ive become depressed severly and i feel as if i can only wake up sometimes to be the best mother i can be. my daughter isnt exposed to any of this when im with her she makes me the happiest person imaginable but with my husband i dont want to give up i just dont know what to do anymore and feel maybe it would be best if i just ened this and divorced him. i dont know what to do and could really use the advice right now..Need help on how to cope with a soon to be divorce?
The person you met at age 14 has changed, you too have changed. The idea that you are going to be capable of marriage to someone at such a young age is ridiculous. Your impending divorce proves the point. I am afraid you are an idiot for marrying so young and even more of an idiot for having a child. To put it bluntly, you are now out of luck. To extricate from such a situation is improbable.Need help on how to cope with a soon to be divorce?
you are going to need to summarize this, it is wayyyyy tooooo looooonnnnngggg to read!
I know you don't want to hear this, but you two married far too young. Now your husband has found a path for his life that doesn't necessarily include you and your baby. It's a hard fact, but it's the truth. He's grown up into a different person than what you expected.

My best advice for you is to pursue what YOU want out of life. Surely you don't want to be the woman who's always waiting at home while her man truly lives.

Life is short. You'll be my age in the blink of an eye. Start living for you, and give your baby the best life you can. It starts with finding out what you want out of life, what you can achieve all by yourself.

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