Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I just moved 5 states away from my hometown due to divorce. how do i now cope with my decision?

Get active in your new community. Go to church! Volunteer at the library or at community events! Get to know people! You have a clean slate and endless possibility before you. Make it count and enjoy!I just moved 5 states away from my hometown due to divorce. how do i now cope with my decision?
Go on walks meet people! Forget the old life in with the new! Join clubs do stuff you wouldn't do b4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just moved 5 states away from my hometown due to divorce. how do i now cope with my decision?
Wow, he must have been some original kind of @$$hole to have to move 5 states away from! Check your classifies in your local paper. Sometimes there are divorce coping groups that meet on Wednesdays. It's gonna take some time. You also might want to take up a hobby that will consume you. One thing, i know this sounds silly, but it works. Get a coloring book and nice crayons, and color. Believe it or not, there's something very comforting and calming about it. maybe because you're totally in charge of it and you can have it the way you want it and can predict it's outcome. Try it!
Chin up and soldier on!

Could be the best thing you've ever done....

Actually make it the best thing you've ever done. Go out and meet new ppl, see new sights, you've got a whole new state to explore...Which for me would be exciting, and a good way to not concentrate on the emotional rollercoaster of your recent divorce...

Enjoy your new home, and good luck!
I think you have made a strong decision to move away. It's a way to make a new beginning. Go to church and pray to God for strength. Go to the community center or places in your new town to find new friends. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
its hard to go through a divorce or seperate from someone and live in the same area, im fixing to move because of my ex gf, there is to many bad memories here for me to stay, and i guess there are for u to, but stay busy,get out and meet new people and remember why u moved, i wish u the best of luck, and it will work out dont worrie, if u need someone to talk to go to my profile and we can chat
cope with your decision?

What's there to COPE about... you made a decision... It's not like someone put a gun to your head!

You made the best decision with the information you had at the time. Nothing is perminent... if you're not happy - move again.
You just muscle through it.

I wouldn't suggest getting any imaginary freinds or picking up a drinking habit to cope.
No one can really explain how you should cope. I'm living in Alabama due to a divorce and my family lives in NJ. I just continued to get up and work and survive. I have made many friends who know it is hard to be away from family. I visit my family about once a year and believe me, eventually, you will get used to being on your own and feel good that you were a survivor and stronger than most women.
Try to get yourself active in your new surroundings. Give it a real try to see if you can be happy there. If you find that you can't be happy there then you may need to move back. Moving away from your hometown because of a divorce isn't going to change anything - whatever you left behind you will have to deal with eventually.

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