Friday, August 20, 2010

What happens if wife does not sign divorce papers?

My wife decided she was very unhappy with being married to me and wanted us to go our separate ways and wanted us to sell our house. We put our house on the market but then she asked if she could get a loan and buy me out which I agreed to. We got separation papers signed back on Sept. 13 2006 and her loan finally got approved Dec. 2006 and I was able to purchase a house that same month. By doing this I lost a great deal of money if we had sold the house instead but I did not want her to be miserable so I allowed her to have the house and give me $25,000. Since then she has fallen on hard times and is severely depressed and has not worked in months but I have moved on and trying to cope the best I can. I filed for divorce yesterday but was wondering although we have separation papers signed with both agreeing on everything what happenes if she refuses to sign the papers. How long can this go on like that in the state of Virginia?What happens if wife does not sign divorce papers?
You have to take her to courtWhat happens if wife does not sign divorce papers?
i live in MO...i don't know about Virginia, but, i think that once the papers are filed, the proceedings go on and a judge can grant you a divorce whether she wants one or not
like anywhere else, if she is not going to cooperate she'll have to be served, forced to court dates etc, you'll almost certainly need a lawyer. she can string it out for months at least I imagine.
LOL....I would just tell my attorney to tell her (or her attorney) that SHE wanted it this way....remember that SHE wanted the seperation in the first place....I would take the $25,000 and buy a mobile home, cheap...put it on a lot and find another girl...they (women) are on every street corner, pimpin' themselves out....LMFAO...this one is so simple....whatever you do...STAND YOUR GROUND OR YOU ARE SCREWED!!!!
If she never signs, the judge will order the marriage dissolved. You cannot stop a divorce when 1 party wants out.
if she dosen't sign the papers than trick her on signing the papers and than if you want just leave.
the divorce should proceed, once the court gets the papers, a court date will be set, she can respond or not respond but it will not stop the divorce. but she can always change her mind and not agree to what was agreed to in the divorce. sounds as if she is having second thoughts, i would get an attorney if u don't already have one. she can respond any way she wants in the divorce, and change the whole deal unfortunately.
then you don't get divorced. don't you have a lawyer for this? aske them.
Talk to your attorney... You may be able to get the judge to grant the divorce anyway...

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