Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Coping with a divorce while pregnant. i wish i could save it but i cant and need help?

Im 25 and my husband filed for divorce in november 09. we have had a crazy year and its been an emotional roller coaster for me. i finally left our home a few days before christmas and 2 weeks ago i found out im pregnant. i allowed my emotions to take over and was still intimate with him, thats why i left, for my sanity sake. now im pregnant. he has made up his mind and want to follow with the divorce. now im starting all over, going to school and living with my mom. im terrified because i need to support this baby and finish school to provide an ever better home for my baby. i am not trying to get back with my husband and much as i would like for us to try it again but he says he no longer is in love with me and wants to see other people. however he want for us to alternate weeks with the baby and suggested for him to stay with the baby until i get on my own 2 feet. I thought he was nuts for saying that! im the mother and my newborn baby needs me! he told me that its my tunr to support someone becuase he supported me throughout our marriage (mind you i was going to school full time and working full time to help pay bills) my family says he seems to enjoy on hurting me, i even was an anti-depressants! yes im scared because i dont know what to expect from him. i wish we could work things out but he does not see me as his equal and i feel he does not realize how much work it involves in raising a baby. i just need advice on how to deal with this situation.i love my baby already and want the best for it. i wish we were a family or at least see eye to eye with my baby raising. please help.Coping with a divorce while pregnant. i wish i could save it but i cant and need help?
Work this out in court. The baby is not even here yet and already there are disagreements. Jeez. You choose to get pregnant for him, thereby making him a father. He has as much right to the newborn as you do.Coping with a divorce while pregnant. i wish i could save it but i cant and need help?
Take care of yourself and get an attorney NOW! You cant get a divorce while pregnant but you will need help and the courts take time. Guys do have the right to have a small baby as long as you are not breast feeding, then he can see in short time frames. Good luck!
Going through a divorce is hard yet a lone with a baby on the way or just given birth. You are lucky that your mum is around to help you out as best she can. I hope that the relationship with you and your mum is as solid as a rock, as you will need her a lot to help you out with the child as well as other members of your family that are sympathetic to you.

It will be hard supporting the child as well as going to school and it is a very tall order you have to fill. Like the Chinese Saying goes '; The longest Journey begins with the first step '; You mean that your husband wants you to let the child stay with him until you are on your feet? I don't know your situation and if i'm getting your point crystal clear, you have to be careful that when you are on your feet you don't have trouble to get your child back.

I'm writing from a point of not knowing how the legal system in your neck of the woods work.Lets say hypothetically that he have the courts to give him custody of your child and use your situation of being an unfit mother as the rallying cry to his case?
If you are planning to nurse your baby, then this needs to be worked out in a courtroom. It's a long and difficult process, but it will work out. But you did have consenting sex with him and it produced a child, so he does have every right to fight for the baby. But as long as you are not seen an unfit future mother, then the baby should be able to live with you and he will be able to visit.
You seem pretty intellegent why you didn't put yourself on birth control is a mystery to me.

Anyways get on the pill or patch or something now so you don't get pregnant again. Live with your family and get yourself set up to provide for you and your child's future. Good luck to you both.
You need to go to a court mediator. They will probably say the baby needs to be with their mother initially, especially if you're going to nurse him/her, while the father can visit the baby with both of you.

Then when the baby turns into a toddler he/she can go back and forth.
Am sorry your marraige did not work out. Those are terrible answers by the way to the other four...nasty...You are entitled to half everything as you were married to this man. You are better off standing on your own feet and look after yourself and your baby..You will get shared custody of the child i'd say if he takes it to court. Go and meet someone who will make you and your baby happy...

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