Friday, August 20, 2010

How to cope with parents getting Divorced?

First thing is to realize that it is not your fault. Most kids tend to blame themselves.... don't fall into that cycle.

Talk to kids who are surviving divorce, there are plenty out there. They can have advice and knowledge from having lived it that can help you out.

All in all, just continue to love them both and realize they are only doing what they think is best and aren't really thinking of all of the effects of it.

I am so sorry you have to go through this, but you can survive and come out better for having lived it.How to cope with parents getting Divorced?
Remember, it's normal to be anxious when parents divorce.

Remember, their divorce is not your fault.

Trust that life will get better in the future, even if you can't picture or imagine how that could possibly happen.

Keep close friends and lean on grandparents for moral support.

Remember that you are loved. Even if you can't see proof of it all the time.

Bless you...How to cope with parents getting Divorced?
Maybe it would help for you to off load and tell the parent that you're close with about your feelings. If you're not comfortable doing that, write a journal and be honest. Tell your closest friends about it too.
Try to understand that they will probably be happier people apart.
I wish I knew a little more about you to be able to answer your question better. I will just share some of my experience, and hopefully it will help you...

I have been on both sides of this divorce thing. I was a chile of divorced parents, and now I am getting divorced, and have a daughter.

I was adopted with my sister when I was 7 or 8. Not two years after being adopted, my parents split. My father moved out, but stayed in the same city so we could see him often. I felt abandoned, and betrayed. BUT, as I got older, my parents being divorced got easier.

I am now currently going thru a divorce with my husband. Nothing bad happened, we just cant get along, and must get away from each other. I have a seven year old daughter, and she is having a really difficult time with it.

She thinks that she wont see her father anymore, and wonders if I will remarry.

I hope you dont think that this divorce is your fault. Or that your parents dont love you. Or that you wont see one or the other of them much.....

Parents are people too, and it can be just as hard for them as it is for you. Not only are they splitting from someone they thought they would be with for the rest of their life, but they know that there are children involved. There is a tremendous amount of guilt there, Im sure.

Try joining a support group. There are plenty of other people out there whose parents are divorced. You will find that you are not alone in how you feel.

Understand that there will be times when your parents are down, or angry, or showing other feelings that are not normally how they act. Dont take it personally....

You will get thru this. Keep yourself involved in school activities, and with friends....

Communication at this point is very important. If you dont already, keep a journal. Write down how you feel. Show it your parents, or use it to tell them whats on your mind.

If you need attention, tell them.

I hope I havent been condescending towards you. This is a difficult thing, but, as I said, you will get through it.

I am now 33 years old, and my parents act like best buds. But it took them nearly 20 years to get there. There was tons of fighting, and my sister and I were constantly stuck in the middle of their arguments.

Camp, school, friends and my activities kept me sane during those times. I understood that their issues were theirs alone, and I didnt feel that any of it was my fault....

You hang in there, realize that there are many many people in your situation...keep a positive attitude...

good luck
My parents are divorced and it really rough. So people divorce and are still friends but my parents can't stand each other and want us to have separate wedding when I get older. My parents put me and my sister through court dates and everything.

My best advice to you is seek out siblings first and family then friends. I know it can be hard to talk to friends especially when they have not gone through a divorce themselves. I know it is hard to repeat your story to those who don't understand.

Cry if you need to, it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength because you have the strength to cry. Try to do things for yourself it helps.

Good Luck to you. I know it is hard and it might last a long time, but in the end you will be a stronger and better person.
That is a rough stage to go through in one's life. Turn to friends or other family members for love and support.
My parents divorced two years ago when I was 21 and it was the most difficult experience I have ever gone through. No matter what anyone says, divorce is still painful for an adult-child! One regret I have during my parents divorce is letting them tell me all of the reasons why they were splitting. That was just not information that I needed to hear about either of my parents.

My advice is to find a really good friend who is willing to let you vent for the duration of the divorce and the healing time after. Don't force yourself to be around your parents (or their significant others if they start dating again) until you are ready. And realize that it's never going to be the same again, but that doesn't mean your family life still can't be good. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but it will get better with time!
I don't know how old you are, but I know it is not an easy thing to see your parents divorce. I was 16 when my parents divorced, and although I was happy (my father was an abuser), it was still difficult.

One thing that is important, for your own sanity, is don't let either of them say bad things to you about the other parent. You are their child and need to keep a positive view of each parent.

One last thing: it isn't your fault they are divorcing. They are adults and unfortunately you can't control what they do with their lives.
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